Rosa Romero holds a Law Degree from the University of Barcelona, a Master’s Degree in Maritime Law and Shipping Business from the Faculty of Nautical Studies of Barcelona, with research at the Max Planck in Hamburg, and a Master’s Degree in International Trade and Logistics from the Abat Oliba-CEU University.

She is a lecturer specialising in transport in the CFGS in Transport and Logistics, and associate lecturer in the Faculty of Law at the University of Barcelona, where she teaches Navigation Law. She is a lecturer on Master’s degrees in Maritime Law, International Trade and Logistics at the Universitat Abat Oliba, the Universitat Rovira i Virgili, and the ICIL (Institute of Professional Careers and Innovation in Logistics and Supply Chain), among others.

She has worked as a lawyer in different law firms and in some companies in the logistics community sector. She has also worked on European research projects linked to the maritime world and has participated in numerous conferences in the sector both nationally and internationally.