210, 2024

The Official State Gazette publishes Royal Decree 962/2024, of 24 September, which regulates the production of electricity from renewable sources at offshore facilities

On 25 September, Royal Decree 962/2024 of 24 September was published in the Official State Gazette, regulating the production of electricity from renewable sources at offshore facilities. This new regulation provides a boost to the production of electricity from renewable sources at offshore facilities. The Royal Decree regulates a new competitive procedure for the development of marine renewable energy facilities that will simultaneously grant the economic regime for renewable energies, the reservation of connection capacity to the electricity grid and priority in the granting of the permit for the occupation of the maritime-terrestrial property. The public tenders will be announced by the Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge (Ministerio para la TransiciónEcológica y Reto Demográfico) and will define the areas of installation, power capacity and criteria for awarding the tender. A particularly innovative feature is the introduction of a public discussion period prior to the final announcement of the procedure, in which interested parties affected by the marine renewable facilities will be allowed to submit proposals for improving the bases of the procedure, which may be incorporated into the announcement of the procedure. The aim of this periodis to encourage public participation, industrial development and the coexistence of marine [...]

1206, 2024

Jorge Llovo has been awarded a Special Mention in the CMI Young Prize 2024,

Delighted to announce that our colleague Jorge Llovo has been awarded a Special Mention in the CMI Young Prize 2024, for his paper ‘The Rotterdam Rules fifteen years later. Eight positive features for the international community of a late entry into force’. The CMI Young Prize is the most prestigious international competition in the field of maritime law, organized by the Comité Maritime International and open to participants from all over the world under 35 years of age. The paper will be published shortly on the CMI website. #MaritimeLaw  #CMI #ComiteMaritimeInternational

1001, 2024

On January 1st, Maider Arrieta, Jaime Albors and Carlos Sanlorenzo were appointed as partners of the Firm.

On January 1st, Maider Arrieta, Jaime Albors and Carlos Sanlorenzo were appointed as partners of the Firm. These appointments strengthen the firm in its expansion process. Maider has proven experience and special dedication to all kinds of maritime law, insurance and reinsurance matters from a procedural perspective; Jaime practices as a Spanish Lawyer and as a Solicitor in England and Wales, in both jurisdictions, also in matters related to maritime law, with a special focus on shipbuilding and ship financing, chartering, commodities, P&I, marine pollution, and insurance and reinsurance. Carlos, in the context of maritime law, is a reference in the field of recreational boating, yaching, and also in the field of commercial ports and marinas; he will combine his work in the firm with his occupation in the National Association of Nautical Companies.  Maider, Jaime and Carlos combine their work in the firm with teaching activities related to maritime and insurance law. We wish them every success in this new and stimulating professional stage.

1204, 2023


On 30 March 2023, the XIII Seminar of the Spanish Association Average Adjusters (AELA) was held in Madrid, marked by an emotional tribute to the late Jaime McPherson, Ángel Mariano, Juan Antonio Parra and Ángel Bautista. The conference included various presentations on, among other topics, new developments in the field of General Average and the fraud in transport insurance. In the round table on "certificación pública de expedientes de derecho marítimo", chaired by Manuel Alba, Jorge Llovo, lawyer of the firm, spoke about the letter of protest, a public document with a long tradition in maritime law. Jorge Llovo's speech focused on highlighting the historical value of the letter of protests and analyzing their legal significance from a practical point of view in the current regime of the Spanish Shipping Act. After the presentations, Javier Portales was appointed vice-president of the association at the Ordinary General Assembly of AELA. The firm also received a recognition for its support to the association on the occasion of its sixty-fifth anniversary

2203, 2023

New Regulation of Maritime Navigation has just been published (RD 186/2023)

New Regulation of Maritime Navigation has just been published (Royal Decree 186/2023) with the aim of modernising the navigation regime for ships sailing through the maritime waters in which Spain exercises sovereignty or jurisdiction. The text was drafted by the Directorate General of the Merchant Marine (DGMM). This new Regulation will enter into force by next 11th April except for its Chapters 2 (Vessel´s dispatch), 3 (role of dispatch and crew), and 4 (crew recruitment and dismissal) which will enter into force by July, 1st , 2024. The Regulation shall govern the following issues, (a) The dispatch of ships (Articles 5 to 18). (b) The role of dispatch and manning (Articles 19 to 20). (c) The regime of recruitment and dismissal of the crew members (Articles 21 to 26). (d) The regime for authorising ships to enter and remain into Spanish waters (Articles 27 to 30). (e) Out-of-bounds operations (Articles 31 to 39). (f) Measures applicable to ships in transit making discharges of polluting cargo in Spanish waters (Articles 40 to 42). (g) Anchoring of ships and navigation conditions (Articles 43 to 46). (h) The regime of infringements and penalties (Articles 47 to 55). The Regulation is to update and improved a [...]

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